SALAAM - CHILDREN/TEENAGERS & DISCIPLINE ¨ There were quite a few sisters who had some several questions about what kind of discipline is required or necessary for their children. Therefore, I am writing this article to respond generally speaking to all those who may have inquiries on this topic. Discipline forms are different based on different ages. A - DISCIPLINING THE SMALL CHILDREN (Ages up to 10) ¨ Discipline issues can arise for the small children – whether Islamic (regarding salah or religious duties) or behavioural. ¨ You have to keep in mind that the small children are still in the process of “understanding how life works” as well as understanding the mandatory duties. ¨ Especially the small children you will find that they tend to drift easily – suppose you ask them to do their salah or homework and, the moment you turn, they start doing something else. This tends to drive parents literally crazy (I also experienced it with my daughter) and due to anger the ...